TWIGNITE  is a game concept inspired by the earth's shifting climate. The goal of the game would be to increase awareness in the rise of  global wildfires through creative methods and immersion.

Plants and animals in game would be based on species that have been impacted by wildfires. 20% of the proceeds from TWIGNITE would raise funds for fire prevention measures and wildlife rehabilitation centers.

Gameplay would involve collecting flammable debris off of the forest floor, from twigs and dry grass, to human-made items like cigarettes and fireworks. You would battle elemental demons, conduct controlled burns to stop mega fires, extinguish rogue fires, forge weapons in lava pools using gathered material, and meet animals and ability enhancing travelers that call the forest home. This game would be educational for all ages, meeting creatures and learning about them and their importance here on earth.

An important note: I know creating a game takes a lot of energy. If this game were to be put into production carbon offsetting would be a top priority to keep the games environmental impact as small as possible.

If you found one of the mock up game cases or just came here from social media thank you!! It means a lot and I hope you enjoy the characters and the concept :)

I hope to expand on thisโ€ฆ or even better gather a team to make TWIGNITE a reality.

If you are interested in bringing TWIGNITE to life Iโ€™d love to chat! My email is

2024 North American Wildfires

โ€œThe National Interagency Fire Center statistics show that as of Sept. 26, 2024, 38,143 fires this year have burned more than 7.8 million acres. The year-to-date (YTD) number of wildfires is below the annual average of 45,772, but the yearly acres burned is above the 10-year YTD average of 55.9 million acres. Currently, 34 large, active fires are being managed across the nation and have burned 1.6 million acres.โ€

Control Burns:

โ€œControlled burns reduce the amount of understory fuel so when a wildfire enters the area, a controlled burn site can reduce the intensity of the fire or prevent the fire from crossing the area entirely. A controlled burn prior to the wildfire season can protect infrastructure and communities or mitigate risks associated with many dead standing trees such as after a pest infestation when forest fuels are high.โ€

Educational Resources

Around 13,000 years ago a wave of wildfires hit what is now southern California and drove many large mammals to extinction. Increased human activity was likely to blame for the fires and the loss of the Saber-toothed cat, the Dire Wolf, Ancient Bison  the American lion, and of course, Mammoths.

I believe we are witnessing a similar series of events, and we still have some control over the outcome. I believe creative solutions could help people to see the importance in preserving and empathizing with the creatures we share the earth with, before they are lost forever.

