Helpful Sprites
Wildlife conservation, botany and natural history are all important to me. I'm hoping through my artwork I can generate funds and awareness for many great causes. I grew up in a woodsy area north of Seattle and throughout my life have always felt the need to care for animals (wild and domesticated) especially the displaced or hurt. I believe the world’s balance truly hangs on acts of radical kindness, and I hope this gesture inspires that as well.
Raising funds for these non profits started with my Helpful Sprites collection on Foundation in 2023 : Helpful Sprites
Starting in 2024 I decided branch outside of the Helpful Sprites collection and include more of my work in this effort.
50% of the proceeds from most of my NFT sales will go to a different wildlife organization doing life saving work to help animals around the globe. The organization and % of sale donated will be noted in the artwork description at the point of sale.
Star Meowl and I SEE THE WORLD IN U raised $420 for Wild Bird Fund in April 2024
“Achi Blep” raised $262 for Paws Wildlife rescue in Washington state in march 2024.
( The collector Rymac donated $200 privatley ouside of the NFT sale to avoid fees. NFT was sold for 0.02E )
From January - May 2023 Helpful Sprites raised $1954 dollars for habitat restoration, helping protect endangered species, TNR, supplies, and more.
Huge thanks to
Nicole Ruggiero MacgavinRyan elliepritts @lauren_nft anons x 5 ! zak_krevitt myk31 dApp_boi foodmasku phuktep lov3hachi ElfJTrul fukemlozen funghibul frenetikvoid foundation SuperchiefNFT prooofofpeople
& many more who have purchased stickers, and friends that have supplied moral support so far :)
PROOF OF PEOPLE x Refraction Festival April 12-13.
Showing “Platypup” animation (right) and to the left is ‘Nollie Clickflip’ animation by Nicole Ruggiero
ZeroSpace, Brooklyn, NY
NFT Rome in partnership with Superchief Gallery, 2023
Showing “Platypup'“